Albendazole Tablet Uses

Albendazole Tablet: An Ultimate Cure for Worm Infections

Worm infections comprise one of the most frequent illnesses on the planet and may be quite painful. That is a significant issue, and the Albendazole tablet is a potent instrument that may assist you in getting rid of them quickly. In this blog article, we will go over the advantages, applications, and side effects of the Albendazole tablet and how it may help you get rid of worm diseases. We will also advise you on how to use it properly and efficiently to get the most benefits.

Thus, whether you’re searching for information on treating a worm infection or suffering from one, keep reading to discover more about the Albendazole tablet. We will also assist you in understanding how it may help you solve your problem fast and efficiently.

What is an Albendazole tablet?

Albendazole tablet is an antiparasitic medication used for managing parasitic worm disorders. It kills the worms that lead to infection and prevents the spread of the infection. The medication is used to address neurocysticercosis, a nervous system condition caused by swine tapeworms. This medication also treats cystic hydatid disease of the lung, liver, and peritoneum, a dog tapeworm infection.

Moreover, it also prevents the worm from ingesting sugar, causing it to lose energy and perish. This medication is only accessible with a medical recommendation.

What are the uses and benefits of an albendazole tablet?

Albendazole tablet belongs to the class of medications known as anthelmintics. The tablet’s major uses are as follows:

  • Killing and preventing the development of the parasites that lead to infection.
  • Treatment of worm infections caused by larval tapeworms in the lungs, brain, liver, and stomach lining.
  • Preventing freshly born insect larvae (or worms) from spreading or expanding in your body.
  • Treatment of worm infections like dog tapeworm and pork tapeworm.
  • Healing from various intestinal and systemic illnesses such as ancylostomiasis, enterobiasis, hymenolepsiasis, trichuriasis, and strongyloidiasis.
  • It is also used with surgery to cure cystic hydatid diseases
  • Offers treatments for infections caused by hookworms, roundworms, threadworms, pinworms, whipworms, flukes, and other parasites.

What are the side effects of Albendazole tablets?

If you are experiencing negative effects while using the Albendazole tablet, get immediate medical care. Tablet A may lead to the following adverse effects: 

  • An allergic reaction, such as hives.
  • Having difficulty breathing
  • Lips, tongue, face, or throat swelling
  • Headache
  • Light sensitivity
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Fever
  • Nausea,
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach ache
  • Anomalies in liver function testing;
  • Dizziness
  • Spinning sensation
  • Temporary hair loss

Albendazole has the potential to induce major adverse effects. If you develop any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor right away:

  • Chills and fever
  • Sore throat and mouth ulcers
  • Feeling light-headed
  • Seizure
  • Elevated skull pressure
  • Extreme headaches,
  • Ringing in your ears.
  • Vision issues
  • Discomfort behind your eyes

How to use an Albendazole tablet?

Albendazole tablet is available as an oral tablet. It is normally consumed twice a day with meals. Albendazole is often given for 8 to 30 days to address problems like neurocysticercosis. It is typically given for 28 days, interrupted by a 14-day rest, and then continued for a maximum of three cycles to alleviate cystic hydatid illness. Use Albendazole precisely at the same time each day. Read the instructions on the prescription package exactly. Ask your physician or chemist about any doubts regarding the consumption of this tablet. 

Albendazole should be taken precisely according to instructions by the doctor. Do not miss or overdose on it or have it more frequently than the doctor suggested. If you are administering the medicine to children or are unable to consume it entirely, break or crush the pills and consume the medicine with a sip of water. Although if you start feeling better within a few days, continue taking Albendazole until the medication prescription is finished. If you skip doses or quit taking Albendazole earlier than prescribed, your condition may not be entirely healed.

How does the Albendazole tablet work?

Albendazole tablet is an antiparasitic medicine that kills the worms that cause illness and stops it from spreading. It connects to the parasite cell and causes cell disruption. Furthermore, it slows their metabolism and prevents them from ingesting bodily sugar, which is necessary for their growth and expansion. This deteriorates the parasite’s energy level and promotes cell death, reducing the illness’s severity.

Some Safety Advices To Be Considered

When taking an albendazole tablet, certain things must be taken care of. You need to consult your doctor if you have any medical conditions or are pregnant and breastfeeding. So, below is some safety advice that needs to be considered.

  1. Pregnancy: Using an albendazole tablet during pregnancy may be dangerous. Even though there has been little human research, animal studies have revealed detrimental consequences on the growing fetus. Before recommending it, your physician will weigh the advantages and possible hazards. So, it is advisable to visit your physician.
  2. Alcohol: It is unknown if drinking alcohol while taking the Albendazole tablet is not harmful. So, it’s better to consult your physician before taking this medication and void alcohol consumption.
  3. Breastfeeding: Taking an Albendazole tablet while breastfeeding is fine. According to human research, the medication does not enter breast milk in large amounts and is not dangerous to the infant.
  4. Driving: Albendazole tablet may impair your awareness, weaken your eyesight, or make you feel drowsy and dizzy. If you have any of these symptoms, we suggest you not drive.
  5. Kidney: The tablet is likely safe for kidney-impaired patients. However, no dosage change of Albendazole tablet is required in an individual with kidney problems. Talk to your physician when you have any kind of kidney issues.
  6. Liver: Albendazole tablets must be taken carefully in individuals with liver illness. This tablet dosage might require adjusting when taking any medication for liver problems. So, contact your physician and tell them if you have jaundice symptoms such as yellowing of the skin and eyes or clay-colored feces while taking this medication.

Dosage of Albendazole Tablet

The dosage of the albendazole tablet will differ based on the parasitic illness that needs to be treated. So, follow the below charts to know the proper dosage of this medication for different medical conditions:

For Hydatid Cyst Disease: Adults

Weight of the PatientDosage
Below 60 kg15 mg per kg per day (in divided dosage) (two times a day)
60 kg or more400 mg (twice a day)
Duration: 28 days with a break of 14 days (Total 3 cycles)

For Neurocysticercosis: Adults

Weight of the PatientDosage
Below 60 kg15 mg per kg per day (in 2 divided dosages) (two times a day)
60 kg or more400 mg (twice a day)
Duration: 8 to 30 days

For Neurocysticercosis: Children

Below 6 years15 mg per kg per day (in 2 divided dosages) (two times a day) (Max dosage: 800 mg/day)

For Cutaneous Larva Migrans

3 to 7 days400 mg (single dose daily)
  • For Filariasis
10 days400 mg (two times daily)

For Visceral Larva Migrans

5 days400 mg (two times daily)
  • For Strongyloidiasis
7 days400 mg (two times daily)

For Whipworm Infection

3 days400 mg (one time daily)
  • For Trichinosis
8 -14 days400 mg (two times daily)
  • For Capillariasis
10 days400 mg (one time daily)

For Gnathostomiasis

21 days400 mg (two times daily)
  • For Clonorchis Sinesis
7 days10 mg/ kg per day

For Cysticercus Cellulose

8-30 days400 mg (two times daily)

Other Infections

Ascariasis400 mg (single dose)



Pinworm Infection400 mg (single dose daily): Needs to be repeated in 2 weeks
Hookworm Infection400 mg (single dose)
Enterocolitis400 mg (single dose)
Trichostrongylosis400 mg daily (single dose)

 Drug Interaction of Albendazole tablet

Tell the doctor about all the medications, botanicals, non-prescription pharmaceuticals, and nutritional supplements you consume. Inform them if you indulge in smoking, consuming alcohol, or using illicit substances. Certain things may interact with your medication. It is not always safe to take many drugs at the same time. Certain medicines might impact the plasma concentrations of other drugs you’re taking, potentially increasing adverse effects or making the treatments less efficient. Some of those drugs that negatively interact with albendazole tablets are:

  • Cimetidine
  • Praziquantel
  • Dexamethasone
  • Theophylline

This is not a comprehensive list. Various pharmaceuticals, particularly over-the-counter and prescription medications, herbal supplements, and vitamins, may interact with Albendazole. This list does not include all probable medication interactions.

Missed dose

If you did not remember to take a dosage and missed it, do take it whenever you recall. But, if the next dosage is close, consume only that dosage and not the missed one. Do not take two or more doses.

All substitutes

Following are the substitute medications that can be used in place of albendazole tablet sometimes:

  • Olworm 400mg Tablet
  • Tiobend 400mg Tablet
  • Zybend Tablet
  • Albekem 400mg Tablet
  • Zeebee Tablet
  • Abd 400mg Tablet
  • X Worm 400mg Tablet
  • Aldezole 400mg Tablet
  • Helminex 400mg Tablet
  • Alone 400mg Tablet
  • Tiobend 400mg Tablet
  • Xenith 400mg Tablet
  • Eldoben 400mg Tablet
  • Abendol 400mg Tablet
  • Bantil 400mg Tablet
  • Pikworm 400mg Tablet 

A Table Briefing Important Information Regarding Albendazole Tablet

Brand NameAlbenza
Generic NameAlbendazole
Price MRP Rs. 9.58
Drug Class Anthelmintics
Manufacturer Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Ingredients (Salt Composition) Albendazole (400mg)
Uses Treats infections caused by worms
Side Effects Headache, light sensitivity, fever, nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, and dizziness
Treatment Worms Infections
StorageStore at temperatures below 30°C.


Albendazole is a medicine used to treat various worm infestations. Some worm infestations can be effectively treated with albendazole tablets. This tablet is a trustworthy and efficient medication that can aid in restoring health and preventing future illnesses. This blog will explain all you need to know about the Albendazole tablet, including its uses, benefits, side effects, and how it works. We hope we have offered all the important information you are looking for. Thanks for reading!!

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Frequently Asked Question on Albendazole Tablet

What is the purpose of an albendazole tablet?

Albendazole is a medication used to prevent worm infections. It operates by preventing the worm from consuming glucose (sugar), causing the worm to lose energy and eventually die. This medication is only accessible with a medical recommendation.

What is the most appropriate time to take albendazole tablets?

Take this drug with meals, especially those high in fat, to enable your body to digest it more effectively. The tablet can be crushed or chewed and swallowed with water.

Is Albendazole effective against all worms?

Albendazole tablet is most often prescribed for treating intestinal nematode diseases such as hookworm, ascariasis, strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, and enterobiasis. It is also effective against intestinal tapeworm diseases such as hymenolepiasis and taeniases.

Which type of worms are treated with Albendazole tablets?

Albendazole tablets treat hookworm, roundworm, whipworm, threadworm, flukes, pinworm, and other parasitic infections.

Can I use Albendazole without consulting a doctor?

Albendazole tablet is not available as an over-the-counter medication. It is a type of prescription medication, which means it may only be obtained with a legal prescription from a doctor.

How quickly does Albendazole work?

It may require up to three days for the albendazole tablet to take action, according to your illness.

What food items should you exclude after taking Albendazole?

When using this medicine, avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice. Also, avoid using Chinese Ginseng or any laxatives.

Is taking Albendazole at night safe?

Albendazole tablets can be administered at any time of the day. It is not necessary to take this medication only at night.

Who should not take Albendazole?

Those who have experienced symptoms of hypersensitivity to benzimidazoles, Albendazole, or allergy to any formulation component should not use the albendazole pill.

 Is albendazole 400 mg safe to use?

Albendazole 400 mg tablets are usually safe, but because of the likelihood of liver problems, it’s important to take it with care if you have a background of pre-existing liver issues.

What precautions are to be followed following the use of Albendazole?

Consult your doctor immediately if you experience upper stomach discomfort, soreness, lack of appetite, dark urine, nausea, vomiting, pale feces, or yellow skin or eyes.